August has been a flurry of gardening, collecting, cooking, and EATING. Looking at some of the photos from the spring, it's hard to imagine how it could ever have looked so bare! It's hard to know what to do with all the produce sometimes...the expression "feast or famine" must have originated from a farmer. The youth team has been busy picking black currants, red currants, and cherries to make preserves. The first attempts at making jam were somewhat mixed, but oh so tasty! A good friend of ours told us to label the jam that hasn't jelled "compote" and pretend that we have taste in fine french cuisine.
I am really going to miss working here. It has been wonderful to watch the youth team develop confidence as gardeners, and to see how passionate and caring they are about their community. I have had so much fun dropping by the Garden Challenge participants to check on their plants, answer questions, and talk about the summer. How are the tomatoes doing? Did you figure out what's eating your cauliflower? What do you do with so much zuchini?
I am moving on to new adventures, most likely involving gardens somehow. I can't wait to visit during the next growing season!